I have over 26 years Experience in the saddlery trade both in saddle fitting and in workshop skills
I am a society of master saddlers member , I am a qualified saddle fitter , Master saddler , Qualified harness maker and SMS qualified bridle fitter
I make and fit bespoke bridle work or the Fairfax bridle range .
My aim is to give a friendly, helpful and professional service.
It is very important to have your saddle correctly fitted and then checked every regularly depending on the horses work load. Having a saddle that fits both the horse and rider is important for the well being of your horse and to allow the freedom of moment, weather its happy hacking, top end competition or everything in between. The rider must also be comfortable you need a saddle that suits you in the seat and leg to be able to effective and secure in your seat .
If your saddle requires a small remedial alteration this might be possible to do on site, however major adjustments and full re-flocks will be carried out in my work shop. A well-fitting saddle will help you both reach your full potential, so my aim is to provide a comfortable, well-fitting saddle for your horse and you. However it is important to remember that horses regularly change shape due to a variety of reasons and is therefore important to remember that a saddle can only be fitted to the horse seen on the day. These changes could be caused by:
- Workload change.
- Age.
- Change of season.
- Illness.
I have moved all my admin over to the Equigate app - its really straight forward and easy to download , with the advantage that you can contact me, also all your templates , notes, and photos etc are all available to you on this app .
To make an appointment with Stephanie please download Equigate from one of these links
For Android
For iPhone
Sign up as a client and then follow the instructions below
Click “Practitioners” button on home screen
Click the “connect” button in the top right corner
Type code K52223 into the box and click "connect"
Stephanie will appear in your practitioners list
Click on “Send message” to send them a message and book your first appointment
I am able to assess your current saddle(s) suitability and fit , If your saddle has been assessed within the last 6 months by another SMS Qualified Fitter, I am obliged to contact them for original templates and details as per our Code of Conduct. Unfortunately, i am not able to giving second opinions in ongoing issues.
Cost of saddle fitting is £65 Per horse for saddle fitting assessment , £20 is now taken on booking your appointment. Should you cancel with more than 48 hour’s notice this deposit is fully refundable. If you cancel with less than 48 hour’s notice we are unable to issue a refund. .
. 50p per mile for travelling , which can be shared if others on the same yard have appointment's
. A range of new saddles are kept in stock, however it is not possible to stock a saddle which will fit every horse. If we do not have anything suitable, saddles can be ordered in or can be made for you , sometimes this is needed for customised fits, you will not be charged another assessment charge on a return visit, just the travel charge. I DO NOT STOCK 2ND HAND SADDLES !!! I am happy to check your current saddle and look at other saddles if needed for best fit, but i dont have 2nd hand saddles .
. All prices include V.A.T
Follow up visits
. When buying a new saddle, it should be checked in 6-12 weeks after being fitted, this depends on the horses work load. Then twice a year or more often if your horse changes shape, or is young, or returning to work. Check fee for a saddle ive fitted is £65.00
. Please only use the saddle on the horse to which it was fitted, as using it on another horse can considerably alters it’s shape !
. Please allow 1 to 2 hours for the fitting , I will assess your horses confirmation stood square , I will take templates and photos, assess your existing saddle and try on new saddles . Then The rider can get on and i will assess for there comfort and assess the horse under saddle with each of the saddles that are suitable. I will reassess the horses back after each saddle.
. The rider is to wear suitable riding hat up to standard and riding boots.
. The horse needs to be clean and dry so i can assess and movement in the saddle.
. A sand school or flat area suitable for riding is needed , and if the saddle is to be used for jumping then a jump or two are needed. I am happy to meet you at a local arena if needed.
. You will need your bridle , stirrups, girth and saddle pad.
Please check out my Terms and conditions page
If you are looking to buy a new leather or synthetic saddle then these are available to buy through my SMS Qualified Saddle Fitting Service.
A new saddle fitting will take 1 – 2 hours and I will guide you through the process. A saddle fitting is split into 3 parts
static fit
Once we have completed these steps your i will want to see the saddle(s) ridden in walk, trot and canter and over a jump if required, then discuss the benefits of each saddle and advise you if any further modifications will be required to improve its fitting.
If you decide to go ahead and buy or order a new saddle i will make any relevant recommendations such as saddle pads and girthing to use as well as discussing your aftercare plan, advising when your new saddle should next be checked.
We are happy to work with other equestrian professionals so it’s no problem if you would like to have your instructor/trainer or physiotherapist present, it all helps you make the best choice.
Many saddles are available to purchase on the day but in some instances, I will need to order the right saddle for you so waiting times may vary from 1 – 16 weeks, 50% deposits are required at the time of order.